Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Art Deco Jewelry

Marlene Dietrich^

I was browsing about, and noticed that Urban Outfitters seems to have some awesome art deco- style jewelry:
It's all very cheap and looks suprisingly like the real deal, like it could be from Marlene's and Garbo's era.

The same thing is going on over at Forever 21:
They have even more of the style in stock than UO, all ranging from $2 to $10.

I'm personally a fan of just about anything 1920's or 1930's related (as a rule, I always have to stop and watch anything from the art deco era on TCM). Art Deco seems to be the hot thing, so if you're into it, get while the goods are good.

Also remember that fabulous Paris J'Taime editorial from September Vogue? It's time for a gratiuitous reminder:

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