Monday, January 14, 2008

Dear Urban Outfitters: You've hit rock bottom

What self-respecting hipster girl would want to uglify herself with this? I'm all about devil-may-care style, but this blouse looks like my mom's Thanksgiving table cloth threw up on it. It's like a 1970's Home Ec project gone wrong. Oh the horror. And it can be yours for only $19.99 (on sale from $68).

While you're rolling though the decades, just in case you want to look you belong in a lamaze class in 1987, you must see this:

Why anyone would ever pay the original $58 price is beyond me, but whatev. It's on sale.


The lesson in all of this: don't buy ugly things until they're on sale.

All I can say is, I'm over the Urban Outfitters interpretation of hipster chic. Why one would try to bring back the 80's is beyond me. Have they never seen an 80's movie? That silhouette is not flattering. Huge, gigantic plaid sweaters will do no one favors. Maybe it looks fine on size 00's. But still, size 00's could do better. And really, I have never seen prints so ugly in my 21 years on earth. I'm just offended of the nerve of UO to try to shill these hideous things to the general public! I must go recover with a 10 AM vodka and cranberry to erase all of this fug from my mind...

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