Sunday, February 17, 2008

"Actually, Christie, they've got nice lines, and a fun, frisky use of color.."

One of my favorite movies is Romy and Michelle's Michelle High School Reunion. The hilarity, soundtrack and of course, the clothes are perfect. Also, the movie is responsible for one of my favorite characters ever: Heather Mooney. Needless to say, it was always a dream of mine to create a closet full of clothes for myself like Romy and Michelle did. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at sewing, and it took a whole week (a whole week!) for me to make an apron in Home Ec.

So imagine my glee at discovering this real-life Romy/Michelle on the forums. Aparently she makes most of her creations from her own pattern, and is inspired by movies like Sophia Coppola's Marie Attoinette, and Belle de jour. She also has a penchant to create dresses out of bed spreads and sheets. She truly makes sewing look fun.

Now I must go watch my like, 36th viewing of Pretty Woman....

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