Sunday, February 17, 2008

This is SO What Stacy McGill Would Look Like in Real Life

Words could not describe how amused I was when I came across ^this pic. So hideously 80's and charming at the same time.

I seriously don't know Scott "The Sartorialist" Schuman does it, but I think he seems to be saving the most interesting pictures for these days. also seems to have added a comment section to this feature. Per usual, things get deliciously catty, thanks to one user named "Tanja":

"Oh poor Amanda indeed-800 calories a day,where's my chauffer and nanny and trainer and shrink? Poor Brooksie!Over size looks trash on you too,darling."

I think this type of person is their own breed of commenter. Always catty, almost to point of trollish-ness, and sort of a has bitchy, princessey vibe. I think I'll call them Troll Bitch Princesses . They're usually mean and ALWAYS entertaining. I imagine they have a closet packed full of Prada, Marc Jacobs, and fabulous.

Anway, I'm still trying to figure out who is who. While "poor Amanda" could be anyone of them, I'm still trying to decide who "Poor Brooksie" is. Is it any of these ladies in black?

Nah, it has to be this couger of a woman. She totally looks like the type that would inspire the ire of her catty, MILFy circle of Upper East side frenemy's, and Blair Wardorf-types:

^Now this is what I picture Serena van der Woodsen to look like at 40. I imagine she boozes and cougers it up on the weekends, and during "charity" events.

And how cute do these girls make the color yellow look?:

Yellow seems to be a hot color this spring. Not as princessy as pink, but just as bright and cheerful. I would not try the yellow tights/leggings look, but they look cute on the girl. However, I find myself wishing I had a yellow trench. I'm currently eyeing this one by the Gap:


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