Monday, December 3, 2007

An Inargural Lesson in Posing: Part 1

When posing with another person who is equally beautiful and fabulous, you must know you have two options: Sharing the Picture Without Being Overshined or Outshining the other.....(who is that again?) person.

Firstly, we begin with Sharing the Picture. Now, here we have two gorgeous specimens on Oscar night:

1.)Now, notice how both are dressed in equally gorgeous gowns. It's important to know the typical dress norm of your friend, and dress accordingly. Either similar or in a way that is complimentory.

2.)Note, if the other person is especially attractive of face, dress with a tiny more effort. If the other person is especially attractive in figure, make-up your face with a little more care. This will enhance the best features, and balance the picture out, so you both will stand out in your own lovely ways.

3.)Pose together if you are friendly with the other, if you are not friendly with each other, stand straight ahead and fix your posture accordingly (but not too much, you don't want to look like you have a stick up your ass), smiling is always good, but optional.

Athina Onassis and Charlotte Casiraghi: step- grandma and grandma would be so proud!

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