Friday, December 14, 2007

Phenomenal Emma

I can't get over how beautiful and grown-up Emma Watson has become. I was never a fan of this whole Harry Potter business, but she has always stood out to me. She's one of the few young starlets that is NOT 1.) Annoyingly cloying and earnest ala Emmy Rossum and Mandy Moore or 2.) Suffering from Jennifer Love Hewitt Syndrome: being hyped out beyond all reason (Hayden Panettiere, Kristen Bell).

She's a young starlet I can get excited about (right up there with Kristen Stewart and Camilla Belle). For example, when asked about doing a future nude scene, instead of saying "oh, I'm too hideously fat to be seen" or the good ol' "it's against my ethics" card, she just said:
" guess I would be a little nervous, but I've been told I look good naked"
How dynamic is that? Saucy and a little mysterious. A little attitude too, with the possibililty of being tongue-in-cheek. I like.

So imagine how excited I was when I saw these exquisite pictures of Emma from the January edition of InStyle UK? Who knew InStyle, the frumpy housefrau of fashion magazines, had it in them to shoot such stylishly fresh editorials?

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