Monday, December 17, 2007

Mischa Mischa Mischa

"I'm tired"

Oh Mischa. Posing for Maxim. It seems just like yesterday she was claiming to be "subtly sexy" in that infamous Elle interview (in response to comparing Rachel Bilson's hotness to the princess herself).

Boys and gals, if you are by any chance planning on buying this to frap to, don't get excited or anything. Mischa's photoshoot is pretty unsexy- subtly or not. In fact, it's boring. I mean, she's looking pretty Lily Von Schtupp throughout the whole thing.

This is how it's done Mischa:
See how Jane is fully clothed? And still is hot as hell? It's all in Jane's "come f*ck me" expression. Note that she doesn't look dazed out on Methadone.

That is subtly sexy without taking your clothes off. But I doubt Mischa is ever going stop being boring. It's good to have things you can count on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE the Blazing Saddles reference! (I can imagine Mischa droning "I'm Tired" perfectly).